NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the first ten minutes of this sermon are missing from the recording. Pastor Glenn has offered the following notes for anyone who was unable to make it to service and wants to catch up:

One perspective on Paul's letter to the Philippians is that it serves as a standard missionary or non-profit letter, featuring an outline of thanks, a report and a financial appeal/discussion.

Paul references financial and business language, which reminds us
    <li>of Paul's vocation: He's a Kingdom Entrepreneur/Start-up guy.</li>
    <li>that the Bible doesn't view money as evil or unspiritual.</li>
    <li>that the Bible does not view money as superficial ("it's only money"). Indeed, Paul uses money as an avenue into discussing deep and important issues, including contentment, need, giving.</li>
This letter offers us <strong>contentment in need</strong> and refines our <strong>attitude in giving</strong>.

<strong>Contentment in Need</strong>
This letter tells us the secret of contentment in need and the source of that contentment.
The Secret: spiritual contentment--&gt;emotional contentment--&gt;physical contentment. It may seem obvious but the way we pursue contentment reveals we don't understand it.

NOTE ON STUDY GUIDE: The attached study guide is meant to be read and worked through by Community Groups ahead of NEXT WEEK'S sermon.
