Check out the Year of Discipleship & Justice Introductory Video

If we are to respond as disciples to the injustice we confront in our world, we must understand both our context and our call to discipleship. To equip our congregation, the Session and Diaconate planned the Year of Discipleship & Justice (D&J), a yearlong initiative in which we met regularly over the year to read, hear teaching, talk in small groups, and pray together. 

Our vision for the year was to create a space where our church family could: Get used to talking about justice; reinforce the truth that we can address injustice without shame and instead with hope; and grow a body of just people, where justice is an integrated part of who we are as disciples of Christ.

We met virtually six times during tje year, where each session had a theme that, over the year, formed a narrative arc.

We praise God that D&J reached a large part of our congregation, where 99 people attended at least one event and over 60 people attended two or more sessions. We are grateful for the faithful service of the church staff and the 18 elders, deacons, and other church leaders who prepared Biblical teaching, presented context, facilitated small groups, prayed faithfully for the year, and put in many house of preparation and care. We are especially thankful for Deaconess Yan Lee's vision for, work, and leadership of D&J throughout the year. 

If you're interested in learning more about how the Year of Discipleship & Justice was received by the Grace Downtown congregation, please check out results from the survey and responses to optional open-ended questions that were administered at the end of the year. 


To access the teachings and resources from each event, see the links below:

Event 1: Just Mercy - Establish there can be a problem of systemic injustice

Event 2: Color of Law - Acknowledge the specific problem of systematic injustice in our country (and its long-term consequences)

Event 3: A Positivie View of Justice - Bring this brokenness to God through lament, and reaffirm his trustworthiness

Event 4: Cost of Discipleship - Establish the active requirements of a true disciple

Event 5: Jesus and the Disinherited - Understand our identity as children of God that enables us to do extraordinary things

Event 6: A Positive View of Repentance & Repair - Commit to restoration that reflects God's character and the coming Kingdom